Nitro 2G Colors from Montana Colors


Nitro 2G Colors from Montana Colors


MTN Nitro 2G Colors Spray Paint is the Montana special Nitro coversall formula. The Nitro 2G high-pressure spray paint is specifically designed to paint over any other paint with maximum coverage - including silvers & metallics. The 500ml size of the spray cans gives graffiti artists a can that will fill larger spaces quickly and completely. MTN Nitro 2G Colors features a basic 10 color range in a 500ml format. Perfect coverage over chrome paint.

Nitro 2G pairs great with Mega, Maximo & Mad Maxxx Silver Spray Paint, allowing crisp black outlines over metallic silver.

To obtain a more eye-catching finish, apply a coat of MTN PRO Primer first. A subsequent varnish coat with MTN PRO Acrylic Varnish is recommended if greater permanence and resistance to wear is required.

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